On todays episode of Backstage Pass with Gentry Thomas we get to listen to an interview with a former sportscaster, model, journalist, and Playboy Bunny the beautiful Lisa Guerrero. She talks about the new docuseries which she’s involved with called The Secrets of Playboy currently streaming on A&E. The series is an in depth look at Hugh Hefner and the early years of Playboy where the Bunnies tell all of their horror stories with the company and Hugh. Many of the stories in the series have interviews with former Bunnies and according to the former Playboy models Hefner was a controlling, sociopathic monster.
Gentry even gets scolded for his stance on the whole controversy by Lisa who defended her former Bunny co-workers. She also talks about her journalistic career and how she was involved in the Jeffrey Epstein case and how she got one of the first looks at the now famous Epstein island. Lisa gives a woman’s perspective as a sportscaster and how it is an extremely male controlled field and how it caused her to even feel suicidal at points. She talks about mental health, sports, Playboy controversies, her journalism career, and so much more on todays episode of Backstage Pass make sure to subscribe and follow for the latest episodes.